Getting into the Kingdom (i) | John 3:1-15
/Steve preaching John 3 in two parts first part given Sunday 24th October
Sermons from Grace Church will be posted below. If you struggle to find something check out the archive in the menu above or use the contact us page and we will be happy to help you find the message you are after!
Steve preaching John 3 in two parts first part given Sunday 24th October
Oli preaching a notoriously difficult parable. What do you make of it?
Oli Continues with the next sermon in the series called ‘Real Ministry.‘
Oli preaching on 2 Corinthians 1:1-11
Steve preaching Part III of our series in Haggai
Steve preaching part 2/3 in Haggai
Steve preaching on Haggai Ch 1.
Oli speaking on the Church Day Away on the topic of being back out and about in the world and now back in church - what does the Bible say to us about church in our present moment? The text in view is Hebrews 10v1-25 make sure to have it open!
(Please note the audio quality isn’t ‘very’ good - we did the best we could at West Brook)
Part 2 of our mini Summer Series in John 2
A Two Part Series for the Summer in John’s Gospel Chapter 2
Steve preaching the final talk in a series entitled the gospel of Abraham
Oliver Tucker speaking on our return from pandemic and the state of our finances. The Bible teaches that our money does not have to be an area of conflict but can in fact be an area of joy! Looking at Philippians 4: 10-23
Steve continuing his Series on the Gospel According to Abraham
Oli spoke on the Bible and Loneliness
Tim Gamston shared with us today from Jonah 2
A message on the Bible and Drink given by Oli Tucker standing on the shoulders of the hard work of others!
A Sermon by Steve Bell on Genesis 21
A sermon on Genesis 20 given by Steve Bell
A Sermon by Steve Bell on Genesis 19
A Psalm given by Rob Silk on Psalm 125
Grace Church Isle of Wight is an evangelical church serving the town of Ryde and the villages of the East Wight, from our building in Marlborough Road, Ryde. We are a member of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC)
Grace Church Isle of Wight is an evangelical church serving the town of Ryde and the villages of the East Wight from our church building at Marlborough Road, Ryde, Isle Of Wight PO33 1AF. We now also have a congregation serving the South Wight, meeting in Ventnor.
We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with the registered charity number: 1200780 and a member of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
Bible Talks