Sunday Gatherings and Midweek Groups

We try to make all the Sunday gatherings at Grace Church relaxed, informal and with a 'family' feel.  We sing, pray, read and teach the bible to encourage each other to live and speak for Christ.  In particular we seek to make the teaching of the bible clear, faithful, engaging and applied to the real world.

Sunday Gatherings are our main meetings of the week. They are great for all the family, and include groups for children called Grace Kids. (In Ryde, 11-14s have a group that meets during the 11.15am meeting). If you're new to church or want to get the best feel for what makes us tick, joining us on Sunday is a great place to start!

9.15am and 11.15am in Ryde
4pm In Ventnor

Our gatherings last around 75-90 minutes but people often hang around before and afterwards drinking coffee and chatting together.  We sing the best of both traditional hymns and more contemporary songs and we love to welcome people of all ages and stages!

We also meet mid-week in Growth Groups for bible-study, fellowship and prayer. Please contact one of the pastors for details of times and venues.

AN example of one of our morning sermon series

AN example of one of our morning sermon series