BORN: Isaac | Genesis 17:15-18:15
/BORN: Birth Stories the point to the Big Story (2)
Sermons from Grace Church will be posted below. If you struggle to find something check out the archive in the menu above or use the contact us page and we will be happy to help you find the message you are after!
BORN: Birth Stories the point to the Big Story (2)
Born: Birth Stories that point to the Big Story (1)
Last message in our series in 1 John
1 John continued
1 John confident christianity continued
A talk on marriage and relationships heavily influenced by Christopher Ash’s terrific book on the subject. This talk asks the question: What is marriage for? What is it’s purpose?
1 John series continued
1 John series:
1 John series
The first message in a new series on 1 John called: Confident Christianity
Today relationships seem more tricky than ever. How much then do we need a good understanding of forgiveness and how to live it out in the church and in the world.
Mp3 recording:
Guest Speaker Geoff Lloyd takes us into the book of Acts.
Another Psalm for singing in the storm
the second Psalm from our series: Singing in the Storm.
A summer series in the Psalms began with Psalm 95
The last message in our series in 1 Kings. Ahab’s biggest problem was a hearing problem - it could be your biggest problem too… See what you make of it! Listen below.
Penultimate message in the 1 Kings series… ‘After the Great King.’
Dan James preaching Mark 4: Mega-Storm, Mega-Calm, Mega-fear, Mega-saviour!
Guest Speaker Andrew Baldwin takes us through the book of Jonah according to the two missionary journeys of Jonah:
We come to the final few chapters of 1 Kings. The book started with attention on a great king and his successes and it ends with a focus on an evil king and his failures.
Grace Church Isle of Wight is an evangelical church serving the town of Ryde and the villages of the East Wight, from our building in Marlborough Road, Ryde. We are a member of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC)
Grace Church Isle of Wight is an evangelical church serving the town of Ryde and the villages of the East Wight from our church building at Marlborough Road, Ryde, Isle Of Wight PO33 1AF. We now also have a congregation serving the South Wight, meeting in Ventnor.
We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with the registered charity number: 1200780 and a member of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
Bible Talks