The Real Jesus Brings Life | John 6:1-40
/What do you want from Jesus?
Sermons from Grace Church will be posted below. If you struggle to find something check out the archive in the menu above or use the contact us page and we will be happy to help you find the message you are after!
What do you want from Jesus?
The Real Jesus proves who he - three blocks of evidence and then Jesus turns the table
A new series in John’s gospel chapters 5-10 started this week!
2 Cor 9:6-15
Praise God for the provision of godly teams. Praise God that finanical due care and attention was in the Bible long before it was in the UK banking system. This talk answers the question: “How can I give when I worried that the church is dodgy on money?“
The next in the current series in 2 Corinthians
Make room in your hearts for us. … I grieved you and I did not regret it… I am comforted! I rejoice! I am confident in you! - How do we make sense of these sentiments in 2 Corinthians? Oli Preaches it for us.
‘Do not be unequally yoked….’ What’s that all about? Oli preaching 2 Corinthians 6
The next message in our series from 2 Corinthians
A one off message given by Oli for the new year looking at Psalm 49
Part 3/3 of John 4 Series
Steve speaking at our second carol service
Oli speaking at this years carol service if you missed it!
Steve preaching from John 4 part 2/3
Steve Bell on John 4 Part 1/3
This passage encourages the believe to look ahead to the unseen future to come. We have an eternal home coming. Live for that!
Oli preaching on 2 Corinthians 4:1-15 - Don’t lose heart!
Steve gave us an introduction to the Bible’s teaching on care for creation. We spent a lot of time in Genesis chapter 1-3 but we considered the Bible’s teaching more widely too! The message was structured around 4 points: Creations Owner, Creations Stewards, Creations Curse and Creations Hope.
Oli Tucker continues the series in 2 Corinthians
Part ii of this short series in John 3 preached by Steve on 31st October 2021
Grace Church Isle of Wight is an evangelical church serving the town of Ryde and the villages of the East Wight, from our building in Marlborough Road, Ryde. We are a member of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC)
Grace Church Isle of Wight is an evangelical church serving the town of Ryde and the villages of the East Wight from our church building at Marlborough Road, Ryde, Isle Of Wight PO33 1AF. We now also have a congregation serving the South Wight, meeting in Ventnor.
We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with the registered charity number: 1200780 and a member of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
Bible Talks