Athens - Faithfulness & Flexibility | Acts 17:16-34
/City 3/5 of the Five City Tour - Can the gospel cut it in 21st C Europe? How do we keep flexible and stay faithful - listen in here!
Sermons from Grace Church will be posted below. If you struggle to find something check out the archive in the menu above or use the contact us page and we will be happy to help you find the message you are after!
City 3/5 of the Five City Tour - Can the gospel cut it in 21st C Europe? How do we keep flexible and stay faithful - listen in here!
The Good News Message of Jesus has a toehold in Europe in Philippi but the mission leaders are soon forced on. But as they get to other places where Jesus is not yet known, how will the team approach the task? What does this tell us for our mission today?
The Five City Tour - the gospel enters Europe for the first time - it meets opposition but makes a small toe hold. What are Pauls concerns here in Philippi? What encouragement can we take from the first time the gospel crosses this border line? Listen to Steve speak in pat 1 of this series.
What we need for the now and and not yet - what we need to know about the timing of the return of the Lord!
What we need for the now and not yet - How Christians can grieve with hope!
Dan James from a Church for Eyres Monsell was visiting and speaking from Psalm 100
Last talk in a series on the Psalms of Ascent we will come back to the last three Psalms a little down the road.
In Psalm 129 the people sang of great affliction…. but thinking about suffering often gets us reflecting on our guilt. And when we feel that deep sense of guilt what do we do with it?
Next in our series on the Psalms of Ascent
For the Platinum Jubilee Weekend we held a special one off service considering the King who has the Queen claims as the driving force behind her long service.
The next Sermon in our series in the Psalms of Ascent. Psalm 128.
Psalm 127 with Oli (with apologies for poor audio quality we had a few technical gremlins this week).
We come back to a series in the Psalms of Ascent.
Oli preaching Psalm 126 here
John 10 part 2
Steve Bell preaching John 10:1-21
Steve Bell preaching on John 9 the week after Easter
Steve preaching Jesus the Light of the World on Palm Sunday 2022
A Talk given by Oli Tucker for the Mark Drama Weekend.
Please note: He lost his voice playing Simon Peter with enthusiasm the night before hence the poor vocals.
Lots of opinions about Jesus here! Steve gave this message virtually due to covid!
The Real Jesus series continues
Grace Church Isle of Wight is an evangelical church serving the town of Ryde and the villages of the East Wight, from our building in Marlborough Road, Ryde. We are a member of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC)
Grace Church Isle of Wight is an evangelical church serving the town of Ryde and the villages of the East Wight from our church building at Marlborough Road, Ryde, Isle Of Wight PO33 1AF. We now also have a congregation serving the South Wight, meeting in Ventnor.
We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with the registered charity number: 1200780 and a member of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
Bible Talks